Event Branding

The Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra is one of the leading orchestras in Georgia, based in the capital city of Tbilisi. It was founded in 1949 and has since gained recognition for its performances of classical music, ranging from symphonies to operas. The orchestra has collaborated with renowned conductors and soloists, and it has toured internationally, showcasing its musical talent and cultural heritage.
Şefika Kutluer, on the other hand, is a prominent Turkish flutist known for her virtuosic performances and contributions to classical music. She has performed with various orchestras and in prestigious venues around the world. Kutluer has a diverse repertoire, including works from the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods, as well as contemporary compositions. She is particularly celebrated for her interpretations
of Turkish and Ottoman music, which she has brought to audiences globally.
A simple and easily perceived 'iconic' visual design is always the solution provided by I Mean It Creative.

İş Sanat has entered its 23rd season. It aims to successfully bring art activities to the public in Turkey, in line with Atatürk’s principles and philosophy of life.

The collaboration between I Mean It Creative and İş Sanat has now entered its fifth year. The concert hall in İstanbul’s İş Towers continues to attract audiences, while the activities continue successfully on digital media and on YouTube broadcasts, which started during the pandemic.

I Mean It Creative will continue to showcase its talents in creating key visual designs for new events.